Monday, January 16, 2012

Books for Beginning Readers

Thanks to my friend January for the great idea for my next blog post!  Books for beginning readers.  Let me start out by saying that I've never taught kindergarten or first grade, which is when the foundation of learning to read is laid (other than at home, of course!).  I won't pretend to be an expert on beginning readers.  Please know that this list is based on what I have experienced in my classroom with stuggling reader who are still on the "beginning level" when they start second grade.

When you are searching for a "beginning" book for your child look for these things:
1. a lot of repetition
2. few sentences on each page
3. illustrations support the text (looking at the pictures as context clues is a great strategy for new readers!)
4. text will be slightly larger than on most picture books
A perfect example of this is the book Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See by
Eric Carle.  There are SEVERAL other books in this series (Polar Bear, Panda Bear).  These books are also great books to talk to your child about making predictions. Asking questions like, "What do you think the bear will see next?"

On the same note, Eric Carle has many, many wonderful books for beginning readers. 

I am sure that MANY homes have this book on their child's bookshelf!  There is a second book called "Chicka, Chicka 1,2,3".
These beginning reader series of books are my absolute favorite!!!  There are TONS of them in the series and they are all FABULOUS.  I HIGHLY recommend any/all of them!

You can't go wrong with Clifford!!  This adorable dog has been around for years!  There are MANY, MANY, MANY books in this series!

A WONDERFUL series!!!!  Another one with many, many books in the series and a great book for making predictions and full of repetition!

 David Shannon is a wonderful author/illustrator.  Many of his easy picture books are for school-aged kids, but this series is fairly new and a great place to start when looking for beginning reader books.  As I was looking on Amazon for the cover, I noticed there have been a few more titles added to the series.

I hope these help to point you in the right direction!  Happy reading!

**All images are from

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